I  met a Russian man. Sometimes we tried to make plan to do something, but things just interrupt without exact reason. It's life, and we enjoy changeable plan.

Before I didn't meet this guy- just let me call him, Mr P, I had simple lunch with my friends. We discussed that we will go to the street where the grand parade of Sinulog Festival, probably one hour later. When my friends go ahead to prepare their handmade dress, I just stayed at the lounge room alone, tried to finish my meal with my poor appetite.

Few minutes later, I saw the tall Russian man, Mr P. I just have some acquaintance with this guy, even then I didn't know his name. And he saw me as well, came to sit down nearby me. Our first talk, just same as normal daily conversation, and I don’t need to mention it too much also. Until he asked me to guess his real age, I tried to tell him that I don't think it's really important thing for me (in my inner mind just spoke,” it's not my business!”), and I don't have any idea with European appearance.

He just said directly, he is 25 years old….OMG!( my inner voice spoke again, you looks like 30s or 40s something). And I cannot control my mouth, just said it, what's wrong with your face! And so sorry for my reckless words. Maybe I was too candid, and he felt comfortable with me, he spoke a lot, including why his parents (his father looks same age as him), his twins brother ( but looks younger), his second times marriage…(what?! Only 25 years old?!), also show me his beautiful fiancee's wedding photo through his phone, and his tiny dog.

I couldn't stop his talking, even I tried to look at my watch several times already. Until he mentioned about the economic crisis serious issue in his hometown. Finally, I can open my ear to hear it clearly. He is a program designer, just takes one month leave from his company. But the cruel thing, is the past one and half year, happened price inflation and Oil crisis issue. And that their country went bankrupt during the tough time, totally effect his salary, his daily life needs. He said the income just directly decrease more than 50%. When I heard this part, I totally understood why he looks so stressful and intense. He said in his country, people used to release their stress through alcoholic haze, about travel things, just laying down somewhere and doing nothing. He used this word, Vanity.

And I realized the guy just need someone to talk. I could be a good listener. And I'd like to. And also share my sincerely advise. I just quoted some brief sentence,” we came this world naked, and we will leave here naked.” I said that’s our Asian cultural heritage, very traditional culture. Even nowadays we’re in 21th century, the faith still there. Everything I said, just want to tell him, don't just focus on external things, how about internal soul. I'm not so sure he can understand what I mean. Because his accent quite strong, and me too.

Eventually, he asked my name, after our two hours talking. And he didn't know he's totally break my Sunday's plan.



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