
I love unexpected things, novelty things. That would arouse enthusiasm in my naughty mind.
Someone heard me that I'll go to supermarket, she asked me to guide her Japanese friend also. So I have a lady to accompany me for a while, why not?
During the 30 minutes walking, 30 minutes shopping, and 30 minutes dinner time. I knew something about her.
The Japanese lady come from Sapporo, She love walking also, not girlish, just a sporty person. When I saw her scratching skirt on the buttocks naturally, I can apparently feel she's not city girl. Actually she own a shop in her hometown, a patchwork studio. Business in Handmade merchandise, she goes to Korea three times a year for buying consumable material.
I asked her why she study Chinese, Korean and English, she replied me just because her patchwork business, before she attempted to build online shopping for different nationality, but when she spent a lot of time studying three different language, this kind of work exhaust her. And she changed her plan to come here for studying English only. She said one day she wanna teach foreigners who are really interesting in patchwork things. I think it's really beautiful business plan.
When she mentioned it, she suddenly asked me, "do ü have a dream?"
I said, " yes! I have my big dream!" And give her my mysterious smile.
We almost get our apartment, she asked me how to pronounce " I came home" in Chinese, I said "我回來了!", she just repeated my sentence , "魔鬼來了!"
She's totally trigger my serious cough with my tear! I almost dead on the street.
Good luck, Sapporo lady!

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