"We had a moment"

If our life is just a regular cycle,
We just breathe without excitement,
Our heart just beat 90 times within a minute,
And we seem to forget how to shine with emotional arousal.

I didn't expect to meet you.
Indeed, I couldn't recall what happened in our first encounter, until you said,I handed you a ticket, and there was also a time you bumped into me in a restaurant, and then, we had a soft and brief talking, besides, we also went out with some guys for dinner and went to a recreation room. All things were like foggy pictures, your image didn't sink into me. Only your voice, I remember, your resonant voice which caught my attention.

You used to be close to my workplace and had chitchat with my colleague. I saw him settle your suit for a competition through my peripheral vision. At that time, you were just a nobody for me.

Until the day, you stood at the stage for a speech competition, I sat down on the stage in front of you. Through the camera of my phone, I finally saw the whole you. Your confidence shocked me for 5 minutes. During that time, I could not look straight at you, only through my small screen. After that, your name, your face, little by little got into my life and my mind.

Everything just occurred smoothly and naturally. I enjoyed the feeling of expressing myself towards you freely, and also share all things between us with a heart-quake. We were like bosom friends without boundary. And no words could define our relationship.

Once you guided me to a complete extremity, I had my precious little time but time flies so fast, I taste my joyful moment, I savor my painful minute.


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